

In considering locations for the exhibition of this work weeks were spent in conversation and thought. During this time of consideration there were two drivers to the
thinking :

Where, in this time of uncertainty and with so many limits on gathering and public proximity , would a work on this scale be able to be seen?

How could this work be displayed in a way that could be shared with the broader Christchurch and New Zealand community while honouring the small village which so intimately and fearlessly contributed ,day in and day out, to its production?

It was with these considerations in mind that I met Lyttelton Marina and discussed the possibility of using the recently completed waterfront walk and park as the location for a large scale and spaced exhibition of these images. The Marina management was enthusiastic and eager to participate in a way that would honour the community integral to the waterfront area. Additionally this space allows for images to be viewed as they were intended - windows on a walk - from the outside looking in.

The ability to place the large panels and in a way that would allow for full distancing, should alert level require, was also an important consideration. As an American born new Kiwi (with a nurse mother still working int he States) I know all too well the pitfalls and dangers of making assumptions about what accommodations may be necessary as we move forward in this strange time.

During the period of lockdown the Lyttelton community came to use the Marina space as a location of respite. It was where we picnicked , let small ones ride scooters in safety, and hoped for a glimpse of our neighbours from afar. It is in this spirit that I would open this exhibition.

Outside with blankets and hot water bottles. Nibbles , sounds, and warm beverages all quoted from chefs, artists, and sound people who participated as subjects in this project and who saw their livelihood as creatives and entertainers cut fully during lockdown. I would want to exhibition of these images to be a celebration of those essential workers.